summer #2- tuscany

Over the past two years I have spent a large proportion of my time in a small, smelly room in the music department known as ‘MU3’. Filled with an interesting mixture of people, we’ve spent way too much time cooped up together and somehow, (despite everything!) I now count them as some of my closest friends. With half of us leaving come September, it seemed fitting to end the school year with a music and dance tour to Tuscany.

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summer #1

Summer has well and truly begun and, so far, it has been pretty darn good. With school done and dusted, we all have one last summer before packing up and starting the next chapter. Somehow it’s already been over a month since my final exam so let’s have a little catch up…

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Exeter to Palma

Exeter to Palma

Currently looking through my disposables from the summer of 2012. That was a particularly special summer with sun and lots of good food. It’s strange that this year is almost virtually over, sitting on that flight and taking pictures from the window feels like yesterday.